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#1 Re: Realm Grinder Public » Can't get trophy... » 2022-11-06 19:11:46

Just to double check, do you have a screenshot of a level 30 faceless lineage with the spell perk unlocked?

#2 Re: Realm Grinder Public » Potential Bug? » 2021-05-25 16:04:06

Not a bug. You cannot use the lineage of your base faction or respective prestige factions even if they're not active right now.

Only way to do so is later on by unlocking a specific Artifact Set effect.

#3 Re: Realm Grinder Public » Questions about flash and kong » 2020-12-30 10:28:16

To answer both your questions in one, Kongregate is already planning on allowing flash content to remain on their site via Supernova SWF Enabler. … kongregate

Whether these will resist the closure of Flash Player is still up in the air, but worst case scenario you can always connect your save to your steam account pre-emptively in case it doesn't work by the moratorium deadline.

#4 Re: Realm Grinder Public » Question - Flash Player » 2020-10-01 16:58:14

This is mainly a browser issue. You can continue playing it on Kartridge or Steam, or download some browser addons that will continue it's legacy.

#5 Re: Realm Grinder Public » When Did you start playing RG? » 2020-09-16 22:48:45

rellikrellik wrote:

Somewhere between the 19th and the 26th of September 2015, I remember the first point in the first patch notes i saw read "Increased Fairy Workers effect from 15x to 100x".

Back when so many factions had a lot of similar upgrades. Still remember Druid's having basically the same upgrade 3 times XD


I was here back when sci notation was added.

#6 Re: Realm Grinder Public » First post! » 2020-07-27 18:05:30

Welcome to the forum, enjoy your stay <3

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