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#1 2020-09-01 05:21:21

Registered: 2020-09-01
Posts: 2

[Kongregate] Cannot load cloud save

Hey folks, I'm playing Realm Grinder on Kongregate for a couple of weeks now. I'm not allowing local storage on my PC, thus I use the Kongregate cloud save function.

But as of today, I cannot load my cloud save. It always gives me an error message about being unable to load the cloud save.

-I am using the latest version of Chrome
-I did not use another browser for playing RG so far
-I don't use the steam version nor the mobile one, only the one on Kongregate

I did not find another thread about this and heard in Kongregate chat that a couple of people had similar problems, but not all of them. So sorry if this is a repost, but: Why can I not load my cloud save? Please tell me it's a server-side problem, my weak heart would not be able to handle this dilemma D:

Last edited by BadZooka (2020-09-01 05:21:41)


#2 2020-09-01 11:20:11

Beta Tester
Registered: 2019-05-04
Posts: 4

Re: [Kongregate] Cannot load cloud save

What does the error say exactly? Also could you take a screenshot of the settings page and post it here?


#3 2020-09-01 11:52:13

Registered: 2020-09-01
Posts: 2

Re: [Kongregate] Cannot load cloud save

Sad wrote:

What does the error say exactly? Also could you take a screenshot of the settings page and post it here?

The error message says "Restore Error. There was an error restoring your cloud save. Please try again later".
The screenshot of  my settings should be found via this URL (I did not found a function to upload one from my PC) :

I tried switching browsers, logging out and in, and restarting the PC, 'cause why the hell not. Nothing worked so far.
Dunno if I need to show proof that this really is my account, but I can say that I ended the game yesterday at around 16:13 CEST while on R23 playing Elfs with Elven bloodline.

EDIT: I should mention that my settings naturally are gone as well. BUT the game was able to find my Kongregate IAP, thus loading in my gift of heroes and kings. No cloud save though hmm

Last edited by BadZooka (2020-09-01 11:55:18)


#4 2020-09-01 22:55:28

Beta Tester
Registered: 2019-05-04
Posts: 4

Re: [Kongregate] Cannot load cloud save

At this point am not sure if you can retrieve your save.Try exporting (so you dont lose this one aswell) and use the restore button from the options. To avoid this issue in the future ,export your game in notepad frequently.

I will edit this post if i can find another solution but for a faster response you might want to join the RG discord - link in the community tab in the in game options -.


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