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On Goof's Not a Wiki the Infinite Insanity Machine build (Range: 1e105 (1 Novg) - 1e133 (10 Tqag) Gems) stalls at around 1e120 -1e123 gems and I'm at 1e123 and it's barely going any futher, my next reincarnation is at 1e127
so I'm asking if there is a better/faster build to get from 1e105 to Into the Void build (Range: 1e133 (10 Tqag) Gems+)
Have you did the recommended buffs?
Yes I have, 1e7 on s400. 8e19 on on 275 and 1 day and 12 hours on f6000
You can definitely buff more... At end of R220 I've got 5e7 on S400, 2e26 on W275 and I'd normally have about 2d16h on F6000 (last F6000 run was 3d). You won't need to go quite that high, but do what you can.
There's MK Union in that build, so you might also want to buff your highest mana regen, and after Merc Challenge 5 is a good time to buff Lineages.
Last edited by why_amihere (2020-08-20 09:15:26)
1. buffing s400 slows down of 1e7 (using 206+ build)
2. I don't think I need to buff w275 any more (getting 1e112 (goblin is 1e119) on faction coins) but I will if there can be a significant change
3. I will try to buff f600 more by staying longer on the build (spent only 10 or less minutes before)
4. I used the mana regen build in a previous reincarnation (not sure when) and it got the same (maybe even less) mana regen as the s400, unless something has changed I will just use the s400 build
1. S400 buff can get to 3e7, but it takes a while
2. W275 should be buffed way higher, it's really important
3. F6000 buff is fine, doesn't matter that much
4. the mana regen buff can definitely get higher than the S400 buff, but again, not that important
buff click as well, also Into the Void is only a bit stronger than infinite insanity machine